Meet our CBO (Chief Barketing Officer)

Sofi's Message - Tootakoo

Message from Sofi

Chief Barketing Officer

Hello all you wonderful hoomans, I am Sofi the Chief Barketing Officer of Tootakoo, from Quadis. My furparents think that I am the most beautiful doggo in the world. I would have to agree with them, have you seen me? Well, you can see more of me on my own Instagram.

When my furmummy suddenly fell sick, I was lucky to be readopted by new furparents. They were not ready for the royalty that I am, but they adjusted rapidly. They bought stuff for me like collars, leashes, beds, and hooman stuff for themselves like loose clothing, car seat covers, and more. I think the pee pad is more for them than me. In short, I changed their lives, lifestyle, and fashion sense.

Tootakoo is a lifestyle brand for responsible pet owners, ranging from pet items to hooman gear. I am lucky to have had two loving homes, but other doggos and cattos are not as fortunate.

With each purchase of Tootakoo designated products, we’ll be providing meals to rescue animals through shelters and volunteers, thereby making an impact in the lives of pets that are waiting for their forever home.

Animal rescue workers are superheroes. They save strays, provide shelter, feed them, and pay vet bills. These rescue workers need our help.

Thank you for reading my message. Be a hero.

Woof Woof,

Sofi's signature

Sofi The Dog

Chief Barketing Officer, Tootakoo